"Guiding you to a better self-publishing experience"
The truth is that self-publishing a book on Amazon and other retail outlets has never been easier. However, the technology can be a bit overwhelming, specially for first time authors
We’ve successfully assisted authors through publishing consultations and self-publishing services… Our high-quality self-publishing services include custom book cover design, custom interior design, professional editing, printing, print book distribution, e-book conversion and distribution, marketing and even mentoring on how to put your book together.
Video and social media promotions including your own TV commercial.
We will walk you through the process of publishing your book through your own Amazon account that way the book ownership stays with you!
Our $200 package
Includes a cover design, getting your book ready for printing, and uploading it to your own Amazon publishing account (Don't worry, if you don't have one, we will help you create it). We will walk you through the process to make sure that your book is listed on book and Kindle form on Amazon.